Signs of Computer Vision

Computer screens and other digital devices provide us with many benefits today, but they are not without challenges, particularly for those who use devices extensively at work or home. The devices can lead to both posture issues and vision challenges, potentially making both work and play more challenging. If you experience eye strain related to your digital use, consider meeting with an eye doctor on our team at Primary Eyecare & Optical of Meridian in Meridian, MS, to find a solution.

Symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome

Some challenges of working with computers and digital devices throughout the day result from their positioning, which can lead to neck, shoulder, and back pain. Changing your posture and repositioning the device or your position can be the best solutions for those issues.

Other problems involve our vision and result from less frequent blinking, staring at the screen, and refocusing more often than is natural. The result can be a combination of vision issues called computer vision syndrome, which includes:

-Blurred vision

-Problems refocusing when switching from near to far or the reverse

-Dry, watery, or itchy eyes

-Light sensitivity


Computer vision syndrome occurs more often if you have nearsightedness or dry eyes. The syndrome is bothersome and adversely affects the quality of work and enjoyment of computers during downtime sp getting it taken care of can be important.

Managing and Treating Computer Vision Syndrome

Relief from these symptoms can come through multiple adjustments, including:

-Environmental Changes: Ensure your computer screen is about arm length  from your eyes and slightly below eye level.

-Blinking More Often. Blink longer and more often to lubricate your eyes.

-Eye Drops. Apply eye drops during the day to relieve dry eyes.

-20-20-20 Rule. Take your eyes off the screen every 20 minutes to look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

Get Optometry Care and Computer Vision Treatment from an Optometrist Near You

A Primary Eyecare & Optical of Meridian eye doctor can help relieve your computer vision issues. If you live in or near Meridian, MS, and want an optometrist near you, call us at (601) 485-2020 to schedule an appointment to address all your optometry and eyewear needs. Contact us for optometry care and computer vision treatment from an optometrist near you.

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Primary Eyecare & Optical of Meridian

Monday, Wednesday - Friday

8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Saturday, Sunday


Primary Eyecare & Optical of Meridian

Monday, Wednesday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Saturday, Sunday